
We were staying in LA a few weekends past, and were driving outside of the main city of Perote.

Why? So I, “la Reyna”, (the queen), could purchase succulents, from a good source. A reliable nursery that Jesús’s dad, Ramon, knows. They grow, and, sell their own plants. Can you imagine, driving twenty to forty minutes, just to buy plants? I am more than willing.

I am not one to look in the mouth of a gift horse, so I bought as much as I could, to make this long trip worth the time, and energy. Here is what I bought. (I will, definitely have to go back and buy more.)

They are called Aeonium haworthii “kiwi”, BTW.

The circled succulents are the ones I gave the ladies here. The two smaller ones, top left, I gave to Lizbeth, and Sari, wives of Jesus, and Juan, respectively. The larger ones are for Maria, Jesús’s mom, Alicia, Lizbeth’s mom, and me, of course. Now I have to find what each of them is called.

The tiny ones were $10 pesos/$.50 each, the middle sizes were $20 pesos/$1.00, and the larger ones were $30 pesos, $1.50. I paid $350 pesos total, or $17.

While we were looking out the window, on the way to the nursery, we passed a few different areas that were, each, digging the necessary dirt, with which to make bricks.

Also, a bit further along, there was a small area where they were cutting down trees, planing them into boards, some going to pallets, some stacked for sale.

Next to this operation was another area where there are hundreds of small trees growing. I will get photos if we return the same way.

We did, indeed, go back the same way but we were going too fast for a photo shoot. So, of course, I took multiple photos of both the cement/brick building, and the wood shop. It was an amazing area of conscious reforestation. Here are the photos I could use. The first on is a part of Altotonga, the city we went to, to buy succulents.

Altotonga from high up in the hills; on the way to the nursery.
Cement works.
Brick building
Flats, drying in the wind.
The beginnings of wooden planks; logs from the forest.
Planing area of carpentry shop.
Mature forest on the left; young trees in the middle, seedlings on the right. Complete reforestation.