Rainy season

The rain started, again, just about two hours ago, and is showing little signs of stopping.

You all know how much I enjoy listening to, and watching the rainfall, so, to have the living room windows open, wide, without the rain coming in, is truly a blessing.

This will be a short post as I am sure you have other things to do, but I just wanted to share that little gem with you. The humidity, which you would think should be high, is not noticeable. My guess is it is because of the cool weather. It is 11am, and, even with the rain, the temperature is a cool 63°F/17°C. Heavenly. (I suspect the plants are all taking in the humidity, even with the coolness of the air. I sure am!)

I hope your day is going well, and, that you are happy, healthy, and safe. Continue to wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones. You will be have a better chance of surviving this plague.

Good morning, all. Another magical Wednesday at the end of June.