Rainy days

Nights, as well, come to that.

This is the Spring rainy season; just the start really. It has been raining, at some point, during the past 5 days, and nights. Thunder, lightening. Love it. But, you already know that.

So, you also know this in one of my two favorite times of the year. In the next few weeks, we will be off to Los Altos for a few days. As it is also raining there, it will be quite easy for me to get to the front door, stand under the overhang of the roof, and watch the rain come over the mountain tops.

The house where we stay is part way up one of the lower mountains in the area, which is, however, still quite a bit larger than just a hill. We can see all the way across the valley from the sidewalk out front. When the rain comes over the top of the mountain, it is in front of the house, across the street. I will see if I can find a photo. I am only able to find a photo looking across the valley. Here it is.

The view from the sidewalk in front of the house. The heavy clouds, above, came from behind me, while taking the photo.

No can do. Of the thousands of photos on my phone, I couldn’t find a single one of the storm clouds coming over the mountain top. You will have to imagine it until the next time we travel there. Shouldn’t be too much longer. There is usually at least one storm while we are there.

Until then, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.