

We haven’t had any rain since last year until the other night.

That first rain lasted almost 15 minutes, pummeling all the cars in the parking garage downstairs.

It was Heaven!

Of course, I had to go to the bedroom window, and open it to its fullest capacity, and just stand there, watching, listening, and enjoying the smell of rain; one of my favorite scents.

It also cuts back the heat. It’s been in the 30’s here, over 90º, for the past several weeks, and it’s stifling. The rain is a welcome relief.

I’ll have a look at the dried up plants in the park when I’m out walking. Hopefully, what little rain we’re getting will help them somewhat. They look so pitiful.

Did I mention it was Heaven?

Well, it was. I have to take my walk soon, and it’s supposed to rain again while I’m out. That, too, would be Heaven.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.