
It has just started raining, and thundering. I have not seen any lightening yet; that would be the trifecta.

It has been forecasted to rain for the past several days now, but, nothing. Very disappointing. Now, the whole apartment smells like fresh, and clean, like the rain. Besides wet soil, my favorite odor, rain is my next favorite. Listening to the rain on the window sill, or spattering on the window, is a sound like no other; hypnotic.

Last year, I decided that June through August seemed to be the rainier months, but this year, who knows? Maybe it will start in April instead.

I can hear the thunder rolling in the distance, so peacefully. I used to be able to open the front door of the house, stand under the roof of the porch, to feel, hear, and watch the rain, the lightening and the thunder. Now, by the time I could get downstairs, and out the double locked front door, the whole thing would be gone. Done. Over.

There is always the next storm. I wait with eager anticipation. In the meantime, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.