R.F.K.Jr! Heck YES!!!!

How amazing is it that the current president of the United States, Donald J. Trump, has set a focus on Robert F.Kennedy Jr. to lead the HHS!?! Thank you Lord.

This is a man who has spent his whole life/career trying to make the people of the US healthier, and more productive members of society.


According to a recent interview with Laura Ingraham, of the Ingraham Angle on Fox News, RFK said “most vaccines are exempt from pre-licensing safety studies”!!! How can this be? We vaccinate our children from birth but we’re giving them injections of what?

He’s not going to disrupt vaccine administrations, or cut the use of vaccines. He wants to educate the public about the makeup, and manufacturing of the vaccines, and the time schedule for injecting them. (I’ll post 2 photos of the changes in the vaccination schedule at the end of the post.)

He has spent years of his career bringing lawsuits against those companies, and organizations that are harming us by adding food additives to our foods that are unnatural, addictive, unsafe, and potentially dangerous.

During the nomination hearings he was being purported as being a money grabber, as someone who is trying to change things for his monetary gain. He was said to be “antivax”, yet all of his children were vaccinated.


Thankfully, he’s since been confirmed by Congress, and is assuming his role as the Secretary of Health and Human Services, and has sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America.

Thank you Lord.

Our nation, specifically the developing children in our country, will no longer be subjected to additives that cause diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and mental decline.

Have you seen the ingredients on a box of Fruit Loops lately? Or Lucky Charms? Or any cereal manufactured in the US? There are frequently more than 10-15 ingredients, many are harmful chemicals, all designed to addict you to the contents.

Have you seen, or heard, what’s in the same cereals that are exported to European countries? Usually there are only 4-5 ingredients. Why the disparity? Because Europe has declared that the multiple ingredients the US uses are illegal in Europe. They don’t want their children brain dead, incapacitated, unable to think for themselves. They want the best for their children/communities/countries.

Wake up America. You are being drugged into compliance, ill health, an early death.

Appreciate what RFK, Jr. is going to do for the US- bring it back to its former healthy glory.

Until next time, enjoy your health, and the happiness this administration is bringing back to our nation.


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