Quite a sight

Last week, we had a “cable guy”, who happened to be in the building, helping someone else, come up to our apartment, and change the cable box from the Juan’s bedroom to the Garcia’s bedroom.

Little did he know that he was in for an education. Ivan spent about fifteen minutes teaching the guy the difference between the workings of a modem, and a router. The guy was definitely appreciative, by the responses he made.

Ivan was in his element. Not much does he enjoy more than teaching someone about something. He can talk with profound intelligence on such topics as computers, politics, and governments, both here, and abroad. Really, I have never spoken with anyone that knows as much about so many different subjects as he does.

It used to intimidate me, but now, after fifty years, he just continues to amaze me, and, make me proud.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.