
We traveled about 45 minutes the other day, to attend a 15th birthday celebration, a quinceañera, for one of Jesús’ female cousins.

Everything here, in the hall, is very pretty, but extremely loud. Poor baby Brandon is having a bit of a time trying to sleep.

Somehow he’s able to sleep.

Now, it is almost 9:00pm; we’ve been here 2 hours, and are just now being served dinner. 😁

The first course was a delicious, creamy mushroom soup, served with several bowls of white bread. A wonderful way to begin our dinner.

Next, we enjoyed spaghetti with a white sauce, that included small bits of a green chile. I think it was probably serrano. It wasn’t too spicy, but added a note of interest.

I’m pretty excited about what’s coming next.

I am here to say that the sliced pork roast in gravy, with real mashed potatoes, with small potato bits even, was delicious. The photo I took was in motion so I can’t post it. I do believe you know what pork and potatoes look like, however. It tasted as good as it looked. This photo is the best I can offer.

The potatoes got eaten before I realized my first photo was crap.

Now, there’s going to be more loud music and dancing; just as I was regaining some of my hearing. Then, (read hopefully soon), we’ll be on our way back home.

Nope. That didn’t happen. There was drinking and dancing until 2am. A great time was had by all.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect yourselves.

I forgot to mention that I was one of two females in slacks. The 70+ other females all wore dresses.
