Quick update- CV diary day 5

No better, really, but no worse either.

I pray to God that whatever this is it doesn’t last much longer. I am exhausted.

I did get a few hours of sleep last night, finally. It was alcohol induced but sleep none the less.

Until Monday,

I don’t have enough energy to finish it. You know what I would say.

One thought on “Quick update- CV diary day 5”

  1. Hi Diana!
    I wanted to wish you a “Happy Birthday”! I sent something on Facebook, but don’t know if you’re still on that or not. Was hoping you and Ivan were feeling better by now, but it doesn’t sound like it. Sounds like that’s a nasty virus/bug that’s settled in you. No fun to be feeling poorly, especially in the summertime.
    Anyway, on to another year for you. Today was my dad’s birthday too. He passed 3 years ago, but would’ve been 97.

    ps…the potato bread looked awesome😊

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