Quad Cities Pizza

We have found a video on YT that shows exactly how to make a QC pizza: read Harris Pizza.

We kept the Harris Pizza place afloat in Bettendorf, IA the last year, or so, that we lived there. Large sausage and mushroom. Twice a month. Do not get crazy with the ingredients; keep it simple.

Last week, I checked out what we needed to make a decent tempura batter, and found that we only needed a malted barley syrup, so I ordered that. It was delivered the other day. Today we discovered that the QC pizza requires malted barley syrup for the crust. Score!!!

Tomorrow, we are “supposed” to go to Costco, as both of our families need milk, and toilet paper. While we are there, I will check out the fresh(ish) mozzarella, and the tomato purée, as that is all we need to make a real Quad Cities pizza. I can taste the pizza as I watch the video. Amazing.

We cannot get Harris Pizza, or anything close to Harris Pizza here. Heck, we cannot even get pizza with tomato sauce on it. So, next weekend, I am going to make a sausage and mushroom Harris style pizza, here, in our own little kitchen. You will have to come back, and see if I got the deed done. Until then,

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

2 thoughts on “Quad Cities Pizza”

  1. Holy smokes! You are amazing. I’m sure you’ll have the recipe perfected in no time.

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