QC style pizza

I told you, a few weeks ago, that I found several videos on YT about how to make a QC style pizza; AKA Harris Pizza.

Today, I made our first QCSP. The only ingredient we didn’t have, until recently, was the malted barley syrup, which was purchased, and delivered. So, yesterday, I made the crust. It rested in the fridge overnight, then I put it on the counter for the longest 3 hours in recent memory, to come back up to room temp.

Rolling it out, using corn meal on a baking sheet, it ended up with my un-circular circle. You’ll see in a moment.

It’s almost round. 17” x 13”. Next time It’ll be closer to 16” round.

The dough for the crust smelled so good, I told Ivan that I wanted to just bake it and eat it. I’m hoping it tastes as good as it smells right now. I’ll let you know when we try it.

While I’m waiting, and waiting, for the oven to reach 500ºF, or 550ºF, not sure how hot it gets, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: the pie is done, and on the counter cooling off. Here is what it ended up looking like.

Nice a browned on the bottom.
With a light dusting of finely ground oregano to top it off. Smells just like the originals.
Ready to eat.

Post post script: there was one piece left by the end of the night. Liz, and Jesús helped us out by eating almost half of it.