
Remember, I showed you some of the photos I am changing into puzzles, to be worked on my iPad?

I have been working on this one, in particular, off, and on for almost 3 hours. Look how far I’ve gotten. Nowhere.

This is what it will look like if, and when I finish it.

Maybe you can understand why it’s taking so long to finish. I’m not sure whose idea this sort of thing was, but it is as difficult to finish this as a puzzle as it was to grow it before it died.

It was one of my favorites, and will be so once again before I die. I want to have a place to grow all kinds of exotic plants; succulents, cacti, small fruit trees, etc. I’m not sure what limitations I’ll have in the future, but it is a continuing dream of mine.

Folks, please, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect each other.