Product updates

So far, 2 of the 3 products are good to go, with the 3rd being on the fence.

You may remember the laundry sheets, of which I bought 2 gazillion? That’s the one on the fence. I say that only because I washed a load of hand towels from the kitchen, and forgot to use OxyClean™. Duh! They weren’t as clean as I’d have liked. I use it in every load except that one. Needless to say, I was not impressed with their ability to get the laundry clean.

The towels will be washed again in appropriate manner, but it will be awhile. I have washed 2 more loads, but being darker clothing, I can’t really see whether they are clean, or not. You know something? I really don’t care if I can see it. They look fine, and were hung up to dry, so what’s not to like? I think I’ll give the sheets a 7 out of 10 at this typing, mostly for the smell, and the convenience. I’ll update if that changes one way, or the other. Thank me later.

Some of you may recognize, or remember your mom using this to chop veggies in the kitchen while you were growing up. When you punch the handle down, the blade chops whatever is in the cup, or, if you remove the cap you can see on the bottom of the cup, what’s on the counter; then the blade rotates a bit. The more you chop, the more the blade rotates, the finer the end results will be.

I had a hard time getting started with this, I suspect because the instructions that come with it are in some Asian language, Chinese, Japanese, who knows? Certainly not I. As I recall, there were 2, or 3 photos that kind of showed you how to keep the blade guard, the red part, from falling off every time you open the damned thing, but I couldn’t figure it out. I set it aside for a bit as I washed the dishes, then came back to it, and kind of figured it out.

Not really. I fumble with it but use it whenever I can so I don’t forget how to use it. The blade is supposed to “lock” into the cup, for whatever reason is beyond me. It does lock in with the blade engaged, but won’t fit into the cup this way. WTH?

The blade is very sharp, so it’s worth the aggravation to use it, and carefully clean it. It chops up small pieces of veg nicely, though mine absolutely hates carrots. I forced it into submission, and won. An 8 for this, only because of the terrible directions. Some of us need more instruction than others. Buy accordingly. 😉

And, last, but certainly not least, is the humble garlic mincer thingy.

This gets a 9 from me because it will mince 3 medium cloves of garlic after turning the assembled thing about 8-12 times, back, and forth. I don’t rotate the top 360º- I hold on to the top, and bottom, one hand on each, then do the b/f motion about a dozen, or so times. You need to. Make sure, though, that the teeth are fairly close to each other in order to do this. By the end, most everything is nicely minced. So it takes a dozen times; I couldn’t care less. It saves me from spending too much time cutting the damn things with my knife, risking life, and fingers in the process. That is the one thing I really hate cutting.

That’s it for product reviews for this post. I hope I was able to help some. If not, don’t tell me.

Until next we meet, have a wonderful 4th of July; stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Post script: I will say that since I remembered to use the OxyClean, I have used 2-3 sheets in each load, and the laundry is almost as clean as when I used the Arm & Hammer laundry detergent. You decide.