Presidential debate 2024

If you don’t do anything else worthwhile today,


With an open mind,

Listen to hear if all of the questions you have concerning the health, and wellbeing of the country are answered by either, both, or neither of the participants.

Listen to hear if your concerns for the safety, and security of the country, due to the open border, the multimillion illegals, and criminals from every country, being allowed to enter through that open border, the deluge of illegal drugs being brought in by those coming in illegally, and the subsequent rising deaths due to these illegal drugs, and criminals, and any other issues concerning the future of the border have been addressed to your satisfaction.

Listen to hear what each candidate plans to do to correct all of the above, plus the horrendous inflation you have been dealing with since this President has taken office. Can you afford another 4 years of rising prices across the board? Can you afford to have your working hours reduced because your company can’t afford to pay you a full time wage? Can you continue to accept how much it costs to feed your family, put gas in your car, pay your taxes, or pay someone to care for your children?

Pay attention to what is said tonight, how it was said, and what that will mean to your future.

You hold that future, the future of the US in your vote come November.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.