
I haven’t posted anything this week, and I am sorry about that.

Last week, my left upper eyebrow met with Ivan’s right elbow, as we were cooking together in our very tiny kitchen. Needless to say, I have had a rather colorful left upper eyelid since then.

Shortly afterwards.

I am fine; nothing to be concerned about. The eyelid was swollen, black, and blue for the entire week, because, unbeknownst to me, it started to swell shortly after I was hit. Not long after that it hurt like, well, quite a bit.

Was it intentional? Absolutely not.

We tried to do the dance of sous chefs, in a kitchen the size of most peoples first floor powder room.

Our kitchen, if you haven’t already seen it, is about 8’ x 5’. That’s without anything like counters, appliances, a sink, etc. So, with all of those things in play, we have about a 5’ x 3’ space in which to cook.

He went high, I went low, and we met in the middle. Here’s the consequence.

He caught me on the left upper, outer eyebrow; you can see where it is swollen, and the damage was done.

A few days after that, it progressed to this.


So, for several days now, I have been putting cold compresses on it but nothing has changed really. It hurts, and, it is still ugly.


If we are both in the kitchen together again, I will step back, let him do his thing, and will take over after he is done. Not interested in a repeat performance.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Watch those elbows.