Pouring rain

Liz, the kids, and I are spending the next few weeks here, in Los Altos.

It’s a school break for Gabi, and it’s been awhile since any of us were here, but Jesús has to work. So, what were we to do?

Liz, and I made the “sacrifice”, 😂😂😂, to stay for a bit. Really though, the sacrifice is on Ivan, and Jesús’s side. We will be here with the families, but they will be home, alone.

It has been pouring down rain for at least a half hour without letting up. I can’t remember ever experiencing rain like this. Well, now that I am trying to remember, it rained like this in Houston, during the hurricanes. Obviously there was more wind with the hurricanes, while here, it is freezing cold.

The guys are going back to the city very early tomorrow morning, leaving us here. They’re coming back, however many Saturday’s we’re here, to repeat until we all go home together.

It has ben years since Ivan, and I have spent time apart. I am hoping it will be a good thing. You know, absence of the heart…..

Thanks to all for the birthday wishes. Being 67 years old is pretty awesome, so far. 🤗

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.