Pollos Estilo Norteño®

Another amazing restaurant, here in lively CDMX, we “discovered“ a few weeks after moving here- Pollos Estilo Norteño®, (Chicken in the Northern style).

This side is the actual restaurant.
This side is a huge grill, just to the left of the arch.

This being Sunday, and no one wants to cook on Sundays, people flock to places like this. Unfortunately, places like this only stay open until about 5:00 pm & 6:00 pm. So if you did not get there early enough, too bad for you. They grill between 50 & 100 spatchcocked chickens, all at the same time. Some are brushed with butter, and either S&P, or a yummy “something” that is spicy.

They have tongs that are about 30” long so they can reach across the grill without completely burning off their skin. Plus, there are 3 or 4 cooks grilling, helping each other, flipping, rearranging, cutting the chickens once cooked, and serving. While you wait, they serve you a small piece of chicken, and, either a small beer, or a soda pop. We usually opt for the beer.

The chicken is incredible, the mollejas are soft, and grilled to perfection, the sopa de médula, (look that one up yourselves), is delicious.

Sopa de médula.

We also got about 1/2 kg. each of rib eye steak, and asado de tira, (roast strip), 1/2 kg. ribs, 1 L. frijoles charros, arroz, tortillas de maíz y harina, cebollas de chambray, (spring onions), tossed salad, and 3 different types of salsas.

This is my plate with everything circled and defined, so you can tell what is what. The pop is a no-calorie apple flavor, my favorite.

Well, that is it for this Sunday dinner. I doubt there will be much, if anything, left after everyone serves themselves. There are rarely leftovers here, because there are, routinely, 9-10 people eating throughout a day, so quantities are large, and so are appetites. Fortunately, as you may remember, there are a plethora of parks nearby to walk through, should one have an interest. Not me, and not today. I am sitting here, typing, and enjoying the memory of Pollos Estilo Norteño®.