
I told you, in a recent post, about the new plants we got in Los Altos, that I would find out the names of all of them, once the internet was more cooperative. It is, and I did.

No, I am not going to identify, here, what each one is called, so relax. Suffice it to say, most of them are different species of Echevería, and we will leave it at that. Supposedly the easiest succulent to grow. Hah! They never met me.

One of the plants that I received, as a gift, from Alicia, mother to Lizbeth, has become leggy as it matures. When I researched that, it showed how to make a few changes that might help with its growth. This is what I did. (Turn your head away if you are at all squeamish about theses things.)

Older, leggy body, decapitated.

Yes, I cut its little head off. That is how brutal one must needs be when one finds a plant getting older, and, too leggy, and unruly; cut off its head.

Relax. I planted its little head, and hopefully, other plants will grow around the base of the original, and the top will root, and grow another of itself.

The severed head.

I just did this about five days ago, so it needs another day, or so, before I can water it, gently. It needs to toughen up at the area where it was severed from the stem of the main plant so it will be less prone to disease, and fungus. The two leaves that are just laying on top of the soil, in front, and back, will also, hopefully, grow into other plants. It will take months for all of that to occur, so I must be patient. (I have moved the above plant to a part of the window box where I do not see it every day.)

Here is another interesting plant, just the leaves, actually. The internet tells me it is a Swedish ivy; could be. What do I know?!

Do you see how the leaves grow out of the prior leaf? Is that not an amazing thing? That is why I bought it; I love to see, and appreciate how Nature makes amazing things like this. We just have to “see” them.

Be happy, be healthy, be safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones, will you?