
We were at our favorite market, the Mercado Sector Popular, (henceforth to be known, simply, as “El Mercado”), having just eaten a late lunch, after having strolled around a bit, buying avocados, and limes, from our favorited vendor, when we “happened” upon a couple selling some indoor plants. Of course we have gone by this same stall each, and every time we have gone to the market, but, I digress.

The couple was sitting at their small card table, loaded with cut flowers of all varieties, and colors, eating what appeared to be their lunch as well, when we stopped to inquire about some beautiful Sansevieria, or Mother in Laws tongue, Snake plant, etc. There were several half gallon plastic bags, about eight inches in diameter, and were filled with these three to four feet tall Sansevierias, that had to be five years old or older. Ivan asked her how much she wanted for the largest one, and she replied eighty pesos, four dollars. Score!

Ivan asked me if I wanted them, to which I immediately replied in the affirmative! Of course! (After which followed a quick “the look”. You know the one I mean- the one that says “did you really need to ask” look). Whomever was running her stall the other day wanted one hundred pesos, or five dollars. If we had not been so busy the other day, I would have bought them then. Fortunately for us, we waited. However, we have already decided to return to her stall, introduce ourselves, and, hopefully, with the new acquaintance, buy more of her plants. We will see.

One more note about plants. The majority of our windows face the West, while our bedroom faces the South, so we will have a lot of sunshine throughout the day, into the evening. This should be paradise to some beautiful house plants. I cannot wait to decorate with them. Here, they are so inexpensive, comparatively speaking. When we get to decorating, if our internet is not up to standards yet, I will show you photos on Messenger.