Pinch me

Every day, I get up, and do, basically, the same things. I like to have a routine, of sorts.

Today, we went to the store, briefly, and bought a few things, for our two families, that we will take to LA (Los Altos), with us this weekend. As we were driving home, a feeling of complete comfort, and tranquility washed over me, like a wave. It feels so “right”, to be here, in this place, at this time.

It brought me a moment of contentment, and a profound peace to my soul.

A week, or so, ago, I had a similar feeling, but this time, it was much more pronounced, and affected me more strongly than before. I am not sure, really, if I have described it accurately, but that is the best I can do, in either language. Someone pinch me.

Just coming out of the store, it started raining a bit; nothing too serious. Then, about five minutes later, it was a downpour. The drops were huge, which, for those of us growing up in the North, usually means it will not last long. Not so here! It rained like that for about fifteen minutes.

The rain does not run into the drains in the streets, as it does up North, so there are large areas of collected water everywhere. There are drains, just not like in the States. One needs to look forward, on the ground, to make a path that keeps ones vehicle, and ones feet the driest.

Whilst we were driving around, however, I happened to remember that I had left all of the windows open, and I do mean all of them. When we got home, however, not a single drop of rain was anywhere in the house. Thank you Jesus! Lesson learned.

Leaving the apartment, shut the windows.

I hope your week is going well, and that you are happy, healthy, and safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones, while you are at it.