
This past weekend, December 12th, was the pilgrimage of the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe throughout México.

Because of said pilgrimage, it added a bit more than one hour to our travel time. The highway was stop, and wait, traffic the entire time. It was vert slow going but it was quite spectacular to behold.

I have no idea how many cities and states were represented; there were hundreds, possibly thousands, of trucks and cars, all brightly adorned with statues and different religious icons, flowers, banners.

Alongside the highway, safely guarded by trucks and cars, were the runners; they ran in relays, each running a prescribed distance, carrying a lit torch. Most runners were about a quarter kilometer apart, though some were more than several kilometers apart.

It was all done by noon on Sunday, after a Saturday night of celebration and another whole night of what sounded like a war zone. What I found out on Saturday night was that the noise was made by smallish explosives, bound in newspaper and mounted on long sticks. The sticks were thrown several feet away, and exploded on impact. The noise, explosions, sometimes shook the house. No sleep, but a resounding display of religious faith. Quite a sight. Quite beautiful.

Several making a pilgrimage to the local cemetery went by the window this morning, so I took a short video. Here are a few photos of the participants.

Our good friend, and my favorite sister from another mother, Maria, talking to neighbors in the march.

The sadness of our recent loss is easing; the recent memories are starting to dim, never to be forgotten, however. El esta en paz.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.