Peppers and onions

I must tell you that, when sliced, and cooked over simmering olive oil, peppers and onions are, truly, Heaven sent.

Whenever we get the chance to go to a grocery store, I try to buy three, or four, red, yellow, and orange bell peppers, and, two medium to large white onions. After we get them home, I slice them, put them in a large fry pan, with about a quarter cup of olive oil, then simmer them, covered, on a low flame, for about forty five minutes, sometimes an hour.

I set the timer on my watch so I do not forget to stir them, as I am not interested in burned peppers. I cover them for the first thirty minutes, or so, then uncover them once they have started “melting”, is what I call it. It is when they get all soft, and pliable, and smell Heavenly.

The oil is not meant to fry the veg; it is there to carry the flavor of the combined peppers, and onions, when they are used in the near future. I gently salt them, too, but only a bit. I do not know in what way I will be using them, and do not want to risk of them being being too salty, and, therefore, ruining the end result.

This morning, I fried a corn tortilla, and put a large tablespoon of the combo, the same tablespoon of some black beans I made recently, then the leftover eggs and chorizo I made yesterday. The peppers, and onions, took the leftovers to a whole new level.

Maybe I will make another one. Hmmm.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.