
More specifically, cutting peppers for roasting.

It used to be such a chore, roasting the peppers, putting them into a plastic bag, peeling them, removing the seeds, and veins, all part of the process when roasting peppers.

No longer is any of that an issue. I have recently come up with a better way. Let me know what you think.

I have learned, after years of doing it the hard way, (as described above) to cut open the pepper, whatever kind you are planning to roast, and remove the guts first, then roast them. When they have roasted, and are ready to be used, there are no messy seeds flying all over your counter, or onto the floor.

I have also learned a way to make the removal of the seeds, and veins a bit easier. For a bell pepper, I cut into a “seam” from stem to base, usually 4 times, as we buy bell peppers with 4 bumps on the bottom. (These are, frequently, a bit sweeter, and have fewer seeds, and are considered to be “female”, 3 bumps are male.) I digress.

Back to my pearl of wisdom. If you cut it as indicated above, turn it so the stem is on the counter, by gently pulling down one section at a time, you need only cut the section close to the stem end, and voila, mission accomplished. Move on to the next section, smiling at the ease of this new way of doing a messy chore. All you have to do now is clean up the pieces to your liking, and you can continue on preparing your meal.

I took a few photos, so, hopefully, you can see the progression of what I just said.

All you are left with is the center core, seeds contained. Now, all I had to do was clean off the lighter “stuff”, I can’t remember what that “stuff” is called, drizzle a bit of olive oil, and finely ground oregano, and into the oven they went, to roast at 400ºF for 25 minutes. Yum.

I did the same thing with 2 poblano peppers that were getting old. Here is what they looked like.

Easy peasy.

Now, go out, and cut a peck of peppers. Pickle them, roast them, or do whatever you want with them, but when you do, try the above cutting method, and let me know what you think.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect yourselves.