People walking

I took a walk today- from our condo to Juan’s house. It turned out to be one, and, one tenth of a kilometer, and took me about fifteen minutes to walk there.

The sun was shining, there was a beautiful breeze blowing, plus, there were several others walking, as well. Of course, they were not going to Juan’s house, but they were walking all the same.

As my father in law is still residing at Juan’s house, while we finish unpacking, and putting things away, I needed to refill his medication container, but forgot to go yesterday. So, this morning, about ten thirty, I started out, eventually having to finalize the walk, going through the “maraneras”. (The squatters). Not a very safe place to go, but the walk around the area would have taken me several extra blocks out of the way. I was not interested in that much walking this morning.

I did have my collapsible baton with me, however, and, yes, I do know how to use it. Fortunately, everyone along the way minded their own business, and not mine. I, unlike them, mind everyone’s business, mindful of where I am, and who is around me, in my vicinity, so as not to be taken unawares. That does not interest me in the slightest.

Now, I am back home, cleaning up the kitchen from the breakfast of machacado con huevo that we had. Yummy. However, it is time for lunch, so, I think we will each have a chicken taco, with homemade salsa, and avocado. Delicious.