
I have to tell you how peaceful I feel today.

It’s been so long since I’ve felt this way that it actually registered in my consciousness.

I am acknowledging it as having been the result of a bit of a domino effect.

Firstly, I have been sleeping amazingly well for the past two, or maybe, three weeks, as I have been listening to Better Sleep™, in the hypnosis venue. When I can find the narrator I prefer, I try to listen for at least 30 minutes, up to 1 full hour.

I never finish the episodes, or whatever they are called, but I can sleep, deeply for about 2 hours, wake briefly, adjust my position, and fall immediately back to sleep for another 2 hours. Reposition, and repeat; from 10:30pm., until 6:30-8:30am the next morning.

Secondly, financial security. I have put us on the road to security, as I mentioned a few posts back, and, with the lack of alcohol every f’ing night, we are saving tons of money. We’ve cut way back on ordering groceries on line, so that’s a big savings, even though we did go to Sam’s Club, (haven’t been there in almost a year), Costco, and Soriana the other day, and put out an inordinate amount of money. I have no idea where we’re going to put everything but it’s stuff we’ve done without for so long, we just did it.

I’m not going to complain about how much we spent; it’s for that very thing that we have our retirement income. Thank you Jesus.

I want to say thank you, specifically, to Mayra, for all of the effort she has put into sending our CARE packages as we’ve needed things from the US. That, as per a recent post, has all but come to an end. She will only send us the odd item that is able to be shipped, that we can’t get here. Thanks Mayra. We love you tons.

Until next time everyone, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Post script: Never again. I bought 2 Christmas mugs on eBay the other day for $5 USD for the pair. The shipping is over $50!!! WTH(F)? Live and learn.