
Everyone, and their families, are outside today.

It appears they are all going to the same places we are. How unfortunate.

It has taken us 30” to drive 10 km. We can only move 1/2 to 1 block with each stoplight change. The main roads here are 4 lanes of stoplight to stoplight traffic. The lesser, but still thoroughfares, are 3 lanes. They are all full of cars.

Wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t 86* in the shade. We are, however, in an area without trees to cover the road. Yuck.

Poor me. But, you know how much I enjoy the heat; sweating, thirsty, hangry. When we can, we are going to sell the apartment, and move to a more enjoyable clime.

Until then, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones, and yourselves.

Puzzle update

I know you haven’t been able to sleep, knowing that I was struggling to finish the puzzle of the succulent.

I finished it. It took only 5 hours and 25 minutes. Again, not continuous. Here it is, in all of its glory.

I left the last piece so I could take a photo of the timer in the bottom left corner. Yay.

Now, I’ll be able to start on another photo, hopefully a bit easier, and faster to finish.

Stay happy,healthy, and safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect yourself, and your loved ones.

Something to share

No. It’s not CoVid19, 20, or even 30!

It’s a neat sponge that you can purchase on Instagram™, that exfoliates your skin, leaving your skin soft, and smooth. It is incredible.

I bought the blue one a week, or so, ago, and have used it twice. My skin hasn’t been this smooth, and soft in years. Seriously! This is one of the items from Instagram that I highly recommend buying, for yourself or for a loved one.

I don’t use it every time I shower, I don’t think it is necessary. But, when I do use it, it is definitely worth the few dollars it cost. Ivan does my back for me, as I am no longer limber enough to get even close; it has made a large impact on how little my back now itches.

As I have said in past posts, there are several things from Instagram that I have purchased, and given to others as time-saving gifts, that were very much appreciated. Not everything works as they would like you to think, especially those peelers that you can use back and forth. Those people are taught, and practice ad nauseum, how to use them so quickly.

Anyway, try the sponge. Look for it in a local store. We have to get ours online. It’s worth it. Trust me.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect yourself and others.


Remember, I showed you some of the photos I am changing into puzzles, to be worked on my iPad?

I have been working on this one, in particular, off, and on for almost 3 hours. Look how far I’ve gotten. Nowhere.

This is what it will look like if, and when I finish it.

Maybe you can understand why it’s taking so long to finish. I’m not sure whose idea this sort of thing was, but it is as difficult to finish this as a puzzle as it was to grow it before it died.

It was one of my favorites, and will be so once again before I die. I want to have a place to grow all kinds of exotic plants; succulents, cacti, small fruit trees, etc. I’m not sure what limitations I’ll have in the future, but it is a continuing dream of mine.

Folks, please, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect each other.

An epiphany

My entire way of playing Wordscapes™ changed today, in a matter of seconds. Duh!

I am currently on level 38145, having just finished the prior level.

If you will look in the upper right corner of the above photo, you will notice the “cent” symbol, and, the numbers 13939. Those are the number of points I have currently; having won, bought, or watched videos in order to acquire the currency. The cute little llama in the bottom left corner, with my current crown status, is your humble, well, llama. Me.

How has my playing of the game changed? Let me try to explain.

Here is what the screen looks like when I open the next ”round”. One must find as many words from the letters given to fill the crossword puzzle. Any additional words are stored in the small star, bottom left, and points are awarded when the round is finished.

As you can see, also in the circle with the star, that the 3 in crossed out; that means the words cannot be shorter than 4 letters. They can have more than 4 letters, just not less.

Now, for the other little doodads around the outside of the circle. From the right, the lightbulb with the 100 means they will give you a 1 letter hint for 100 points. (Until today, I used that much too frequently.)

Below that is the rocket, and, as you can see, I have earned 1 free hint in this form. What it does is send a spray of from 4-6 letters that land wherever they want. Helpful, but 200 points, if you have to buy it. Yikes.

Swinging around to the left, you already know about the star, so continue up to the bullseye. A you can see, I have 2 free bullseyes in my pouch, to use when I wish. If you touch it, you can touch any empty space on the puzzle, and, it will give you the letter. Fancy, huh? Very expensive. This one costs 300 point. I never use that unless I have some in reserve. Who can afford 300 points?

Now, to the crowning glory; the shuffle. You touch this, and the letters will turn in the circle, giving you a completely different view of the letters within. You can probably already see a host of different words in the circle; chipped, chip, pipe, piped, hide, hipped, and so on.

There are nine words to be formed from these letters; included is the “special” word, the one that has the 4 cent symbols on it. That one gives you four extra points.

Now, the shuffle doesn’t cost a single point. You can use it however many times in a puzzle that you want. So, why, if I think I’m so very clever, didn’t I figure out to use the shuffle more often, and stop using up all of my points? I have no clue. But, I did, I have, and I am. Finally.

I used all of my points in this past weekend’s tournament, so I had to break down, and buy most of the points you see. However, since I figured out to use the shuffle, I have not used a single point, and have collected several hundred points, from the tournament.

It is great fun, closing onto addictive, but it keeps my mind sharp, and my vocabulary in abundance.

That’s all for today. Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: I forgot to mention that if you tap on the word you spelled, it will give you the dictionary meanings of said word. Neat, huh?!


I don’t know what is going on down here.

The high is going to be 90ºF today!!! Who ordered that I’d like to know.

You can take it to the bank that it wasn’t me. I wouldn’t be so foolish. It will only get to the mid 80’’s here in the apartment, but that is 10º too hot for my liking.

Fortunately, for the two of us, we have a plethora of fans at our disposal, as we use them day, and night. There is at least one fan in use somewhere in the apartment at all times, during this kind of weather, especially. Can’t afford air conditioning, so, multiple fans are the next best thing.

While we swelter in the heat, (I can hear my mother saying that we should be glad it’s dry heat), stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

QC style pizza

I told you, a few weeks ago, that I found several videos on YT about how to make a QC style pizza; AKA Harris Pizza.

Today, I made our first QCSP. The only ingredient we didn’t have, until recently, was the malted barley syrup, which was purchased, and delivered. So, yesterday, I made the crust. It rested in the fridge overnight, then I put it on the counter for the longest 3 hours in recent memory, to come back up to room temp.

Rolling it out, using corn meal on a baking sheet, it ended up with my un-circular circle. You’ll see in a moment.

It’s almost round. 17” x 13”. Next time It’ll be closer to 16” round.

The dough for the crust smelled so good, I told Ivan that I wanted to just bake it and eat it. I’m hoping it tastes as good as it smells right now. I’ll let you know when we try it.

While I’m waiting, and waiting, for the oven to reach 500ºF, or 550ºF, not sure how hot it gets, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: the pie is done, and on the counter cooling off. Here is what it ended up looking like.

Nice a browned on the bottom.
With a light dusting of finely ground oregano to top it off. Smells just like the originals.
Ready to eat.

Post post script: there was one piece left by the end of the night. Liz, and Jesús helped us out by eating almost half of it.

Egg bites

We haven’t discussed egg bites for a while, have we?

Today is the day, lucky you.

Instant Pot egg bites. At Starbucks, they are 2 for $5. I made 14, which, altogether didn’t cost $5.

This morning, really this afternoon, I got together some of my favorite ingredients, and put together 14 lovely little egg bites. The list of ingredients are as follows: for the base, into the blender went 8 eggs, 1/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese, 1/3 cup cottage cheese, 1/4 cup Kefir fermented milk, and, about a half teaspoon salt. The following items were all cut into a small dice; the bottom 2 cm. of a red pepper, roasted; 2 slices cooked bacon; 1 thin slice purple onion; 1 small serrano; and, 4 cherry tomatoes. I forget the dozen baby spinach leaves.

Unfortunately, the serrano was spicy enough to negate the other flavors, and has left my mouth on fire. The bacon has almost no flavor whatsoever, so that was a wash. At this moment, the only thing I can taste, or feel, rather, is the serrano. Damn.

Egg bites with a slice of ripe avocado. Yumm.

The bacon is from the second, or third, order I placed with the online app. Justo. They deliver the groceries to your door. Lovely. Their bacon is flavorless, however. Double damn. I accidentally ordered 10 kilos of the stuff, in 1/2 kilo packages, and have been trying to give it away since. To no avail. Oh, well. Bacon surrounded jalapeños are coming next.

With brown sugar to top; of course.

Until then, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: I have only 12 more egg bites to eat. Maybe Jesús will eat some; he much enjoys spicy food.

An old friend

Not that our friend is old, he isn’t. It’s just that we’ve known him since he was a child.

I was so pleased this morning when I got up.

My phone didn’t get charged last night so it was completely blank this morning. However,

I opened up my tablet, and noticed I had received a message on IMessage. Low and behold, it was NH, the son of two of the most wonderful human beings Ivan, and I have known. Unfortunately, both of those lovely people have passed; his mother, whose name was Georgia, most recently. They both meant so much to Ivan; her passing, especially, was hard on him.

N. said he had stumbled on my blog site, (how that happens I cannot say), but I was so pleased that he contacted me to let me know how much he has enjoyed reading my posts. Awesome. I didn’t know others, outside our immediate sphere, even knew I posted.

Anyway, as I replied to N., it is as much fun writing about our shenanigans as it is experiencing them. Truth.

I am on my way to the kitchen to sample the egg bites I made this morning. Can’t wait.

Now, if I could just find a way to stop that little girl in the next building from crying every day ……

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Thanks N. You made my weekend. 😉

Post script: happy belated birthday to our daughter Elisha.

Okey dokey

I say it a lot down here.

Okey dokey, karaoke. That’s really what I say.

Recently, we have heard Jesús starting to say it as well. It makes us chuckle. It could’ve been worse; I could’ve been repeating some of my favorite curse words! 😂

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.