
I must ask your indulgence for the next few days.

We are not as well as I indicated in my last post. we are still short of breath with any exertion; coughing continues but is one day loose, the next day tight. We are both without fever but have zero energy to do much.

The apartment is a mess, and I could care less. The fruit fly epidemic is less as I spent the better part of an hour yesterday trying to kill the wee buggers. Just when I thought it was safe, I picked up the original bag of yuck, which I had triple bagged, and tied up, the whole thing was surrounded by thousands of the flies. Yes, I should have taken it downstairs, to the garbage bins, but seriously, I didn’t have the energy. I just set it on top of the bucket of cans needing to be crushed, and recycled. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

As I said, the next hour was spent in a search, and destroy mode. Actually didn’t need to do much searching, just destroying. Any idea how difficult it is to get rid of that many tiny flies? I didn’t either. Until yesterday.

Today, the bag is bagged, the buckets covered with damp towels, and we are going to nap. Again. I don’t know if this is CoVid, but I’m betting it is. I have had it 2 full weeks, and still have a head full of snot, and a chest full of it, too. And, Ivan; I have never heard him cough this much in all of our lives together. His voice is so deep it rumbles.

I’ll post when I can. Don’t worry if you don’t read anything for a few days at a time. Really, we are worn out.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Martha, I am going to wish you a very happy birthday now, though it is 2 days early. I will be thinking of you on Tuesday, just not posting about it then. Love you sister mine.


Shark DuoClean Ionflex cordless vacuum cleaner

A few months ago, I was cleaning the brushes, and filters of the above mentioned vacuum cleaner, and broke the adapter that turned the front orange, and black brush, making it, essentially useless.

I have been trying to “fix” the area where the brush attaches to the vacuum head, but to no avail. We have both been trying to find a descent replacement to it, also, to no avail.

Then, a light came on in my head; look for a replacement vacuum head!!

So, I did. It comes sometime next week; all the way from the UK, via Yay! This was one of the first cordless vacuums that had a light across the front of the head; now, most have it. I don’t need to turn on a light in order to vacuum; I love it.

Before coming up with this revelation, I bought a replacement brush, hoping it would have the adapter, but, no. The brush acts as a duster, and as a pusher, pushing small objects into the mouth of the vacuum head. It really is the main working brush of the vacuum cleaner, and is of no value, much, without it.

Thanks to eBay, I don’t have to replace my workhorse, and will have it up, and working in no time.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

I’m trying

I really am. I just can’t get my body to follow suit.

I have been coughing up all kinds of phlegm since last week, and it is getting really old; not to mention, it wears me out. I am exhausted by the end of the day, and have actually been going to bed around 1am; early by our most recently acquired standards.

We got home the other day; it’s actually Wednesday the 3rd as I am typing this, to be met by an invasion of fruit flies in the kitchen. Someone, who shall remain nameless, hence blameless, did not empty the organic bin as he had been requested. To his eternal salvation, he, too, was ill most of the week I was gone. It’s the only thing that saved him. Trust me.

I walked in to about a gazillion fruit flies- they were everywhere. When I chanced to check out the organic bin, it was full of mold, maggots, and fruit flies. Closing it back up, I removed it from its holder, quickly opened it back up, closing the bags around the opening. Took that to the front door to be taken downstairs to the garbage bins.

Next, I got an all purpose cleaning cloth, moistened it heavily, wrung out the excess water, and began swatting anything that moved. Let the little buggers land, for just a moment, and they’re mine.

I even went so far as to find my can of hairspray, (like I need that anymore), and use that as an adjunct to killing the wee buggers. Very effective, I might add. I figured any veg that got sprayed can be rinsed off before using. No harm done. Well, certainly not to the veg.

I have become quite efficient over the past few days, killing the little so and so’s. I just wish they would stop multiplying before my eyes. I am tired of being “on guard” when I enter the kitchen, but alas, I am. It is amazing the places these little critters hide. They even found their way into the laundry area, and are trying to get into my Kombucha!!!

Enough. It is annoying, not life threatening.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Post script: I just had a brief stare down with a fruit fly. How annoying.

No good deed

There is an old saying that says “no good deed goes unpunished”.

I, unfortunately, am a perfect example of this very thing.

I had a post the other day about filling the trash can with water, and all of the exercise I got in doing thus. I was tired afterwards, as anyone could imagine, however, the worst was yet to come.

That night I developed a fever, and chills such as I have not had the opportunity to experience in awhile.

I went to bed around 11:00pm, with the assistance of Benadryl and Ibuprofen, but was too warm for the comforter. Instead, I covered with the flannel top sheet, and the wool blanket, both folded in half. Even those were almost too much.

I woke up, sometime in the wee hours of the morning, frozen solid, in a semi fetal position. Fortunately, I wasn’t using the comforter, so I was able to cover myself with that. After what seemed like hours, I was able to straighten out, then figure out, I was not well.

Before sunrise, the coughing started. My chest felt like I was breathing through sandpaper. All of the muscles in my upper back, and chest were cramped, and painful. I downed more Ibuprofen, covered up, and tried to sleep. Between the coughing, the headache, and the muscle aches I was able to sleep for a bit.

Well, folks, that was 4 days ago. I was in bed for most of the next 2 days, up most of yesterday, knitting my shawl, and am much better today. I am going home with Ivan, and Jesús, however, when they come here today. It is so cold, and I am no where even close to being prepared for it this time.

I am not at all keen about going back to the city as life here is very relaxing, and more to my preferred way of living. However, life goes on, does it not?

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Chasing, sometimes catching

Captain Arab chased Moby Dick.

Ivan and I chase sleep.

Sometimes we catch it, sleep, that is, sometimes we don’t. When we do it usually isn’t until the late hours of the night; or early hours of the morning. Not really sure how to say that.

We usually don’t fall asleep until close to dawn. There. That’s what I meant. We end up sleeping most of the day away as well.

Being a morning person, this has been difficult. I want to sleep at night, but without taking a Benadryl, sleep eludes me. When I do take one, then I’m constipated for 2 days. So, let’s assess.

Constipation, and sleep? Or, no sleep. Tough call. As I am not a fan of the former, I usually choose

Ibuprofen. Sometimes it helps me relax, sometimes it just eases my back pain. I guess you can’t have everything.

I have sleep apps on my phone, in their own little folder even. I’ve tried saying the Rosary, slowly, meaningfully. Nope. Not even the communion of saints seem to be able to help me.

I toss, and turn, get up, put on socks, (cuz it’s freezing over here), change pajama bottoms, or put on another pair over the ones currently in use.

Then, after about 20 minutes, I get to reverse all of the above. All of a sudden I’m perspiring; next thing, the perspiration if drying, and freezing, (figuratively), at the same time. Ugh.

I remember my Gramma Manda saying she rarely slept, the older she got. Well that’s just great. Now, not only do I have her beard, I have her insomnia. Gifts that keep on giving.

I know, you’re all sorry I’m up at 1:30am typing this little ditty, but don’t be. I try to do creative things with this wakefulness, not just watch YouTube, though it is enticing. Tomorrow night, if I can’t sleep, I’m going to start

Just Dance Rasputin. It’s on YT. Take a look. Though, maybe if I did that during the daylight hours I would be tired enough to sleep at night. I’ll let you know.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Odd, that

What an odd feeling- being here, in Los Altos without my friend.

It feels as if I am in a hostel, in some other part of the world, taking a vacation without Ivan. Neither pleasant, nor unpleasant, to be honest. I miss him every minute, but have had 3 days of total relaxation, such as I have never known.

Today, and everyday until we go home, I started my volunteered duty of filling the trash can with the water we use to flush the toilet.

Not difficult, agreed. The source of said water, however, is across the large kitchen, and outside on the porch, then, up 16 steps, all the while carrying a bucket of water. Return, refill, repeat. 22 times.

Said bucket.
While I take said water filled bucket upstairs, this 2L pitcher fills. I pour it into the bucket, catch my breath until it fills completely, then, off I go.
Up the steps. 😜

To say that I will be sore tomorrow is an understatement. To say that by the time we go back home I should expect to be in a tiny bit better shape than I am now, and maybe, hopefully, will have lost a bit of weight. All good things.

In fact, I am so tired at this typing I can hardly stay awake. That said

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

A funny story

So, the guys left this morning at 2:30am. Yup, still the 25th.

I can’t sleep. It’s 4:00am now, and I am still awake. Not even a little bit sleepy. What’s a person to do at that hour, I ask you?

Well, clever person that I am, I decided to stop fighting sleep, stop wasting time, got up, and

Filed my nails.

I put on Ivan’s headlamp, turned it to a fairly low light, and filed away. It took me about 20 minutes, more, or less. I was giving some consideration to stopping, and going back to bed when that was decided for me.

The headlamp stopped working. It was out of charge. Hahaha.

I didn’t get to sleep until after 8:00, however.

At 6:57am a rooster crowed in a near yard, so, of course, I had to count how much time lapsed in between crows. During the first minute, exactly, and I do mean that literally, every 12 seconds. He waited, according to my phone, 1 minute, then started again, less exact this time. The third chorus, once again, perfect, at 12 second intervals. Who needs an alarm.

Anyway, as he was waking others, I was able to drift off for approximately 3 solid hours of relaxing sleep, and peaceful dreams.


Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.


Ivan, and Jesús left just this morning, about 2:30am, and got home about 6:30am.

As I am typing this, it is only Monday, the 25th of July. These last few posts all took place the 23rd, 24th, and today, the 25th. Of course, you are reading them further on, but they happened all within 2 1/2 days.

I have been texting Ivan all day, but he has been trying to sleep. Just a few minutes ago, he answered the phone, and we talked for a few minutes. Amazing how only a few hours can make so much difference.

Of course I miss him; he’s my other half. However, with all of the things we forgot to bring with us, he has his work cut out for himself. Over the next few days, he needs to be on a search and seize routine; rounding up all of the necessaries we should have brought with us.


Was that too much to ask? Something warm to cover oneself from the cold wind, and driving rain?

Anyway, he got an hour or so of real sleep, and I got 3, so what more can one expect? Each was better than the nothing we’d been getting. For sure.

You already know we are here during an amazingly wet rainy season. I don’t mind; I love rain. Here, on the roof above the “tienda”, is a tin roof. When it rains, like it has been, it is so loud it is difficult to hear anything.

Brandon is trying to sit up, trying to roll over, and is so beautifully responsive to our voices, Ivan’s, and mine, it warms my heart. I will show you a quick photo of him this afternoon, as I was speaking to him, in English, of course. He doesn’t respond as strongly if I speak to him in Spanish.

He loves his Abuelita Diana.

Enough for today. My fingers are little ice cubes, trying their best to bend to the keys on the keyboard.

Did I mention it was so good to hear his voice? Amazing.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.


There has been a howling wind all day today.

It went quite nicely with the torrential rains.

Unfortunately for the folks dwelling in this village, (puebla), it put a very big damper on their religious festivities. Evidently it was the feast of the adoration of the child king. I can’t find it anywhere in my internet searches, but it has been a definite celebration.

The fireworks, read intermittent bombings, began last night, just after midnight, so, actually, it was today. Music, all kinds of very wet festivities, that never let up, except during the torrential raining episodes.

Did I mention that this all happened just in front of the house here? I’m not sure if that was considered an honor or torture. As neither of us has slept in days, for us, well, to be perfectly honest, it was mostly fun.

Being here allows us to be so much more relaxed, comfortable, at peace. Tranquil is the word that best describes us while we are here.

Enough for now. Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Pouring rain

Liz, the kids, and I are spending the next few weeks here, in Los Altos.

It’s a school break for Gabi, and it’s been awhile since any of us were here, but Jesús has to work. So, what were we to do?

Liz, and I made the “sacrifice”, 😂😂😂, to stay for a bit. Really though, the sacrifice is on Ivan, and Jesús’s side. We will be here with the families, but they will be home, alone.

It has been pouring down rain for at least a half hour without letting up. I can’t remember ever experiencing rain like this. Well, now that I am trying to remember, it rained like this in Houston, during the hurricanes. Obviously there was more wind with the hurricanes, while here, it is freezing cold.

The guys are going back to the city very early tomorrow morning, leaving us here. They’re coming back, however many Saturday’s we’re here, to repeat until we all go home together.

It has ben years since Ivan, and I have spent time apart. I am hoping it will be a good thing. You know, absence of the heart…..

Thanks to all for the birthday wishes. Being 67 years old is pretty awesome, so far. 🤗

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.