What is it with companies these days?
I received this notice the other day, and just about stroked out. Take a look.
If you look towards the bottom right of the notice, it said they were going to remove $899.99 from our bank account within 24-48 hours.
I about s&^t myself.
I immediately fired off a text to the wonderful young lady, Debbie by name, at our Credit Union, to please not allow this transaction to be completed.
When she got to work, she sent me a note saying that no where does it indicate that they know anything about where we bank, or any credit card used in any prior transactions with them; BTW, had we had any prior arrangements with them? If not, we should consider this a scam, do not call them, do not give them any information, and she would stop anything if they, somehow, actually tried to put this through.
My God.
First off, we rarely have that much money in our checking account, well, not for more then a few days as bills are paid from it. But, secondly, we were scammed a few years ago, before we left the US. That was a nightmare, left me tell you. And, yes, I fell for it. It took me weeks to get it taken care of; had to involve our Representative, and our Ward person. What a mess.
Just wanted you folks to be aware that even a trusted name like Norton can be used against you. Be vigilant people. Don’t believe everything to see, or read, or hear. If you don’t know if it’s real, find someone who is intelligent that you trust. Go from there.
Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.