

Someone is still overwatering our plants. I have someone in mind who I believe to be a suspect, but I am not going to accuse anyone outright. Now, it is the airplane plant.

I got up this morning, checked the plants, and found that the airplane plant looked a bit peaked. Being the good gardener that I am, I gave it a bit of water, before using the water meter to check it.

There. I said it. I watered the plant. Ok? I did it. I confess.

Now, since then, I have removed the plant from the dunk tank, and repotted it into three different planters. It, as it has turned out, is actually three plants. I had forgotten. That will give them at least a thirty percent chance of survival. I hope.

There were three plants in the pot, so I have said, so I placed each into its own planter, and given each only a quarter cup of water. That is all; no more for the next few days. I am hopeful I acted quickly enough to save them from the wicked waterer.

Until I catch the bugger, please, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.