Out and about

This is the first time we have been out of the apartment in three weeks.

Unfortunately, however, we are at the bank; Ivan is inside, taking out money from our account. It takes forever, as I have told you ad nauseum. (That is Latin, meaning it should be making you sick, all of the times I have mentioned it; though, I am not sure if that is a literal translation). He has been inside at least fifteen minutes; are they printing the money for him? Argh.

It is so nice, to be outside, though, in the fresh air; even with CDMX pollution. And to be in the sunshine; Heavenly.

That did not last long enough. We got done with our shopping quickly, though we did go to Copacabana, (not the song, people), and had lunch. We have not been out for lunch for an age, it seems.

The restaurant is situated on a corner looking onto a main street, and a side street which flows into the main. There is a lot of traffic, and a few pedestrians, but the activity is, actually, quite relaxing, truth told. As much as I do not like noise, this noise is, for whatever reason, comforting. Life moving on.

Unfortunately, before our lunch, I had the beginnings of another dizzy spell, in the grocery store; always in the grocery store. This one, however, I was unable to abort completely. Before I realized what was happening, it was getting close to full blown.

Being the diagnostican that I am, I have, I believe, Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, BPPV. If I turn my head a certain way, or, too quickly, the world spins out of control, and trouble ensues. I become diaphoretic, (cold, clammy, sweaty), nauseous, and, feel as if I am going to lose control of my “bodily functions”, (read, have diarrhea), all at the same time. What is not to enjoy about all of that?

Frequently, it comes on almost gradually, though, not always. When it does, I can, sometimes, ward it off using a few techniques I have been taught. Yesterday, it came on so quickly, I was left defenseless. I mean, who wants to be sick in the middle of the grocery store? Oh, let me, let me. Please!


Where does one go when this happens? Wherever one can, to hide, and escape onlookers. Ivan leads me, me holding onto his arm, my eyes closed, like I am an invalid, or am drunk. I suppose, at those moments, I am an invalid. Anyway, it is/was horrible. It always is horrible, but, today is another day. If you know anyone with these symptoms, show a bit of sympathy for them. We would never wish this on anyone. Trust me on this.

It is springtime. Get outside, and enjoy whatever weather you are having. Please, though, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

2 thoughts on “Out and about”

  1. Hi Diana!
    I’ve been wondering how Ivan’s dad is doing? You haven’t mentioned him, and I am hoping he has adapted to the move to Mexico. I would think it would be a big adjustment!


    1. He is quite well, thank you; living at Ivan’s cousins house. The constant upheaval of this lengthy remodel, we feel, would cause him too much confusion. So,we give Juan, the cousin, money to let him stay there until it is all finished. We just hope he lives long enough to come over here. Thanks for asking. And for reading.

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