
We have a defined ordinance, at the condo, stating, as of March 2017, there are to be no animals allowed in the condo. Lovely. Though we are animal lovers, ourselves, at this time in our retired lives, listening to dogs barking, at all hours of the day and night, does not interest us. There is one condo that has had a dog for several years, so when that animal no longer is around, the condo should be animal free.

When we went visiting the condo today, we were greeted by at least two dogs, two very loud dogs, in the neighboring condo, that were barking their heads off. Mind you, the people just moved in yesterday. After banging, multiple times on the front door of said condo, to no avail, the dogs stopped barking. Regardless, on the very first page of the Rules of the Condominium, it clearly states that there are to be no animals permitted in the condos.

I am fairly sure that I published a post about the very first meeting we had, with all of the condo inmates, sometime around November. At that very meeting, we all agreed to uphold the clause regarding animals in the building. Now, all of a sudden, we are inundated with animals. There are two other “renters” in the building that have dogs- in fact one youngish lady has three!!! What is up with that?

Ordinances are put in place to protect the rights of the whole, the collective. So what happened? We are going over to speak with the administrator soon. It has been about two hours since we left the condo, so you-know-who has had a little time to decompress.

He is right, of course, and will try to “help” Lulu, the administrator, understand this. I will be there as his “second”, of course. It should be fairly bloodless, as it rarely comes to that. Ivan is one that knows, and speaks “the law” to people. He does not use bad language, (never has), or anything of that nature. However, out of her own mouth, came the decree that there were to be no animals. So, there should be no animals. Period. Right?

I will let you know how it goes.

Post script: we have just returned from our “talk”. She is trying to make the excuse that the condo is being “rented” out, while the owner is out of the country. Ivan explained that, according to “the rules”, the dogs need to be gone by this afternoon. Then we left. Ball is in their court.

Second post script: we stopped by the condo this morning, to pick up our burgled BMW, to take it to get fixed, and Jesús, the young maintenance man at the condo said the dogs were gone by seven thirty last night. Yay for all concerned.