
I just repotted our three orchids, for the first time.

Wow. That was fairly unnerving, I must tell you. I do not actually have any orchid potting mix, but made do with the sphagnum moss that was drowning them, some coconut coir that I just got, and a bit of succulent soil mix. Hopefully it was more traumatic for me than them. We shall see.

Something else I discovered during said episode; the roots of two of the three had grown all around each other, some being six and seven inches long. Amazing, considering they were all in their two inch orchid cages. How they managed to grow at all is a mystery. Now, they have room to grow, as I have repotted them into three inch cages. I read that you should repot into the next size larger cage, so that is what I have done.

As I have run out of three and four inch ceramic pots in which to put the ugly cages, I got my little brûlée torch out, and put four quarter-sized holes into four inch plastic pots. Ugly, but functional. One does not want the little roots to stay wet for too long, or they will rot. Not good practice.

Ugly, but they work.

While I wait to see if this was successful, please, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.