What’s an orchid?

The other day, when Ivan went to the store with Jesús, I made a small shopping list for him. Really! Here it is.

I asked him to get milk, bread, Mayo, instant coffee, a couple of chunks of ham, and, a yellow orchid, a small one.

They came back with a few of those things, as well as about a dozen other things we probably did not need, but had to have. What was not in the bags? The Mayo, the ham, and, the yellow orchid.

“Did you buy anything I asked for” I asked? “Sure. Why,” he asked? “Where is the ham? Where is the orchid”? “They were out of ham” he said. And, with, what I could only hear to be a straight face, he asked me, “What’s an orchid”?

I could not believe my ears. What’s an orchid? We have three of the lovelies in the middle of the table under the windows in the living room. Had he not been in the shower at the time, we would have had a bit more of a conversation. As it was, however, I simply thanked him for the groceries he did buy, and left it at that.

Later, when he came walking down the hall into the living room where I was sitting at the table, he had the silliest grin on his face, and I knew!

“So, you don’t know what an orchid is, hm”? He just chuckled, and gave me a quick kiss. That is what I thought. He forgot.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

What’s an orchid? What a funny guy!