Open windows

Never, in my living memory, have I ever lived in a place where we can have all of the windows open any time we want.

This apartment is a cool sixty eight to seventy degrees Fahrenheit, (twenty to twenty one degrees Celsius), throughout the day, dropping into the lower sixties, upper fifties Fahrenheit, (mid teens Celsius), at night. This is the twenty third of July!

Yesterday, when we went to the store, (you know which one), it got up to seventy eight degrees outside, and was even warmer when we stopped by our cousin Juan’s house. But, when we got home, here, it was so cool, in comparison, we had to put on a sweater.

Speaking of Juan, my father in law that is, we talked with him yesterday, and explained that he is going to come live with us, again, in the apartment here. I am sure you cannot imagine what he said. He said he was ready. We told him that we would be walking around the park most days, that as long as we were careful, we will all be safe from the worsening virus invading this world.

The latest virus is being called Delta, and it is the most deadly adaptation, thus far, of the original CoVid 19 virus. PLEASE, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. WASH YOUR HANDS, COVER YOUR MOUTH, AND PROTECT YOUR LOVED ONES. PLEASE.