
He insisted.

So, we did it.

It wasn’t my fault.

We made Italian beef sandwiches for the first time, and they were amazing. However, with a sandwich, one needs to eat bread of some sort in order to call it a sandwich.

So, we did.

Jesús bought bolillos, a dozen of them, and we ate heartily. They are so soft in the middle, the bolillos, with just a hint of crunch on the crust. They are addictive. No. I only ate 1 1/2 total bolillos, at 3 different times. And, yes, I included it in the fictional accounting of the foods I ate for those 2 days. (No, I didn’t really keep track those 2 days, knowing I was going overboard. So, sue me.)

We had purchased a “sirloin” primal at Costco, and had already used up what I would call acceptable steaks. The rest was definitely stringy, and loaded with sinew. Yesterday, he suggested that I cook the rest of the chunk like I did for the Italian beef sandwiches.

So, I did.

We had purchased a large jar of roasted red peppers at Costco, as well. I opened them, and put a large pepper on top of the hunk of meat, wrapped it in cling film, and put it in the fridge overnight. Later today, hopefully, we will use the meat slicer to slice the meat thinly, and put on a roll, (also purchased you know where).

The au jus one makes with this recipe is killer. No, not literally. It is absolutely delicious. If I remember, I will take photos of the above, and share it with you. If not, find a YT video, and enjoy.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect yourselves.