Only 2 genders


How can this be? How can President Trump decide that only 2 genders will be acknowledged by the government of the United States?

Because he’s the President, and he has common sense. WE have common sense. WE understand that there are only 2 genders, male, and female.

The pelvis of a female is a completely different size, AND shape to the male pelvis. Don’t take my word for it, Google it. You’ll see the difference.

If you’re a male pretending to be female to obtain superior results in any type of physical competition, you’ll probably win. Men are, biologically, superior to women, in most instances. It’s called science.

If you’re a male pretending to be a female to gain admittance to any duo gender restroom/locker room in the country, you’re a pervert.

It doesn’t take a genius to understand that these people are trying to gain control of the minds of our youth. Our young people don’t have the age, education, experience, wisdom, or understanding to determine that they’re being preyed upon.

That’s why they have us.

WE have to be their guiding light. WE have to protect them from the control others try to place on them without their, or their parents knowledge, or consent.

Get involved in your children’s education, their school, their “friends”, their social media accounts. They may think it’s an invasion of their privacy, and depending upon how much force with which you do this, make them understand that you have only their welfare, and safety foremost. They are YOUR responsibility, not Social Medias. If left to the SMS our young people will not be the future we need for our country.

We, ALL people, need to understand that through God, whatever your religion, all things are possible, except

There are only 2 genders. PERIOD. Embrace it. It’s called SCIENCE.

Until next time, stay happy, and healthy.

3 thoughts on “Only 2 genders”

    1. Thanks. I feel the Lord has given me the strength to write the truth, not just fluff. Keep me in your prayers please. I have a few more posts like this. I love you, and miss you so very much.

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