Once again

I have gone forth, and done my best.

It was time for my bi-millenial refrigerator clean out.


By now, you know that I absolutely hate cleaning; the fridge, the oven, the kitchen, the apartment as a whole, et.al.

But, I did it. I cleaned the fridge recently.

It was Leap Day, so, for that reason alone I guess, I had a sudden burst of energy that I hadn’t had for awhile.

I told Ivan, earlier in the day, that I was going to clean the fridge the following day; we were expecting a bit of perishables to arrive from Walmart the next day.

Then, all of a sudden, while listening to a ridiculous book from Audible.com., I went into the kitchen, opened the fridge doors, and decided, right then, and there, to get to it.

That was 5:30pm. By 8:30pm I was done. Finished. Finito, Benito Juarez. (Sorry. I always say it like that, and have for years.)

I am unbelievably ashamed to show you the “before” photos, but I am going to. Please understand that the yuck was due to having different products defrosting in the fridge without being put into a container to catch the yuck.

That said, here is the transformation, once again.

These two were stuck so hard to the shelf that I had to remove the shelf, with them attached, and put them under running water to disengage.
I think you can see here how far into the kitchen I have to pull the fridge in order to remove the interior shelving.
At the bottom of the fridge, when all of the drawers had been removed.
I discovered the last time I cleaned these bins, how to remove the accent pieces that always get yuck on them as well.
Rebuilding the beauty.
The end result.

So, I’m done with this for another few hundred years (days), and am not sorry for the time spent. I was able to get rid of quite a bit of inedible produce, and cheese, and have a better idea what we have, and where it is.

The moral to this post is to put ALL defrosting items in a plastic container. DUH!!!

Until next we meet, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

One thought on “Once again”

  1. Posting before photos is really brave!! 🤣 I love your frig!
    Miss you ♥️♥️

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