Once again

I’m sitting at the table, my space in the living room, and enjoying the smell of the air coming through the windows.

It is fresh, clean, sweet, relaxing.

(I am trying to ignore the music someone feels we ALL need to listen to, and am concentrating on the aroma.)

Today I am feeling relaxed, sedate, and complete. That doesn’t happen often so I’m going to enjoy it while it lasts.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Post script: As I have done quite a bit of scheduled post changes, I may have already said this but, on the off chance I didn’t, tomorrow, the 21st. of May, is our 48th. wedding anniversary. So many people told us we would never last. Hah! Here’s to all of you. We’re in it for another 20, or 25 years.