Ok. Well….

As earthquakes go, that was a doozy.

We were just getting Jesús, Liz, and Gabi settled in their room for the night, when they jumped up, off of the bed, and, said we were having an earthquake. (They could hear the dogs barking, and the people out front of the building. Their bedroom window faces the front of the building, with the laundry room window right next to theirs. Our bedroom faces the back of the building, so we hear nothing.)

Personally, I felt nothing; for about thirty second. Then, for the first time, we had to actually leave the building. Jesús had just finished saying that we needed to do the very thing. Not us, brave couple from the North! I asked why? This is no big deal. Well,

Seconds later, I was on my way to the laundry room, where we have our “earthquake alarm” wind chimes, and, sure enough, they were going crazy. We could not hear them because the sliding door to the laundry area was shut. As I tried to open the door, the whole building was trying to get out from under my feet, and trying to knock me to the floor. This one was so much stronger than the last one, it was incredible. We could actually see the walls of the building moving.

Of course, we lost electricity within the first few seconds, but, even without lights, we could see everything moving.

One begins, at about this point, to hope that this is going to stop, like right now. Alas, it did not. In fact, it went on for probably three or four more minutes. The building was still shifting as we were making our way down the steps. It was raining when we got outside, of course; nothing much, but enough that we were all wet within minutes.

We ended up making a few trips back into the building, for charging blocks, water, phones, flashlights, jackets, etc.; those important things you should have at the ready, but do not.

I am very happy to report that there were no casualties, human, canine, or feline, from our building. (All of the dogs were outside with their humans, carrying on something fierce. Another great earthquake detection system. No batteries needed)

I am also happy to say that we did not have a single thing break; none of the jars in the pantry, nothing from the living room, nothing in the bedrooms. Nothing. Period.

This building really was meant for us to inhabit. It is amazingly strong, and well built.

We are going to try to get some rest now. Hahaha. Right. Anyway, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hand, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

And, leave the building when you are told to; before Elvis.