Office celebrations at Salón Berlin

Wow! We have never seen this place so crowded as it is tonight. We thought, originally, that it was because it was payday. Not so.

It is so noisy in here that I think I will have to take off my hearing aid.

There are four long tables, each able to start with twenty people. Of course, most have more than that, and it is only four o’clock in the afternoon.

One table, with about thirty people, is having the best evening of the year, by all appearances. They are all laughing, drinking, laughing more, then, doing the inevitable counting down for someone to have a drink.

Surprisingly enough, it is four thirty, and the party is over. Everyone is leaving without assistance. Good on them. A very happy group.

I can not remember ever being able to walk out of Ivan’s Christmas parties without at least some assistance. I wonder how they do it?

Post script: We left Berlín, only to go home to the aforementioned party for Arturo’s coworkers. Yikes! It was quite the night, as I said. 😉