I have been having the hardest time getting around lately.
My ankles have been swollen beyond measure, I’ve been wheezing in the morning when I get out of bed, and my joints have been aching like I’m 90 years old.
I take a very mild diuretic that is manufactured here, in CDMX actually, but it doesn’t seem to do much good. I went online to Mercado Libre, and ordered Lasix 40 mg oral tablets, 20 tabs/box.
Now, as a nurse in my former life, I know very well that 40 mg is quite a hefty dose, so in the future I will be cutting these tiny little pills in half so as not to dehydrate myself. But for today, the entire pill was very much necessary.
They were $3.00 USD for 40 tablets, $4.50 USD to deliver, totaling $7.50 USD for the 40 tablets.
I took 1 tablet at 4:05pm on the evening they arrived, and within the hour, I urinated ~400ml, then another ~400ml 30 minutes later, 500ml 45 minutes after that, and another 400 ml. soon afterwards. Within 3 hours, I had urinated ~1700ml of excess fluid from my body.
I cannot describe how much better I feel; so light, mobile, pain free. It’s incredible. I have no intention of doing this more than once a week, as I am feeling the beginnings of a mild headache. For as good as I feel, a bit of a nag is going to be well worth it.
Until next time, stay safe. Please.
Post script: 8:15ish pm, another 300ml. Just thought I’d share that. Two liters down, and I can take a deep breath without pain, or wheezing.