Nothing like it

Nothing like a wonderful, loud thunderstorm to make me relax, and be at peace.

We have had a bit of rain, off, and on, over the past few weeks, and I absolutely love it when it thunders. Not much fun when the electricity goes out, but who can quibble over such piddling details?

Not me, certainly.

As long as I can hear it rain, then claps of thunder that rumble on, and on; what more can a human ask?

Now, if those bitches would leave me alone I’d be in paradise. Which bitches, you ask? The no-see-ums. They don’t seem to be bothering anyone else that I know, so what’s so wonderful about me?

Nothing. But they bite me just the same. Here are a few examples. And, for those of you who have never had bites from no-see-um females, let me impart a few facts.

1: the bites are various sized clumps of red, raised pustules that burn, itch, and become increasingly more painful, and itchy over the first week!!!

2: they, evidently, like a warm, moist clime Well, duh! I try to keep the bedroom cool, as cold as I am able, but he prefers it a bit warmer. I sweat. All night. Even with our sliding window open close to the max. (24”+).

3: after the first horrendous week, the lumps continue to itch, if touched, and slowly, and I mean slowly, turn to a dark red, scab up, but begin to itch again at week 3.

Not my ankle, though it looks very much like it.
This is my left foot, with an obvious old bite scab/scar to the very left of the photo. THEY BIT MY FOOT!!!!

While I recover from these bites, I hope you are having a wonderful fall season. Until next we meet, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Post script: they struck again the other night. Just when I thought it was safe…..