Not sure

I’m not really sure what’s happening with my blog site here.

I have been getting upwards of 6 “new user registrations” to my site on a daily basis for over a month now. Today alone, I had 12 new users; 10 the day before, and 10 the day before that.

What is going on? How does anyone know about this site, and why would anyone that didn’t know me in my past life want to read about the silly antics I/we get up to?

The user names come across as encrypted, which is fine with me, but the email addresses come across as just that, their “supposed” email addresses.

Is this a scam? I don’t show that any of these names, associated with the addresses, are “following” me, as only one of my sisters, and 3 other people I don’t know, are the only 4 people who, somehow, come through my stats as “following” me.

I do have a few people, related, and not, that read my posts occasionally, as they contact me when something catches them a particular way, but they are not in my stats, as I just stated, as “followers”.

Why not? I have no clue. I don’t know if there’s something they need to do at their end to show in my stats, (which would be awesome), but I can’t help them. As I said, they contact me when they want, and I respond fairly quickly, (provided the internet is working above 144p, which isn’t guaranteed).

So, the mystery remains, and I am hopeful that, if any of these “new users” is interested in anything I post, they will contact me, and let me know what they think.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.