Not much to tell

There has been little going on these past few days; we went to the store, but that is not exciting.

I drowned my favorite plant, the Aeonium Kiwi. You knew I would so do not act so surprised.

I did, however, recover quite a few of the leaves, and am trying to see if they will reproduce. If not, well, then, I will have to beg an offshoot from one of the ladies to which I gave them earlier. Hopefully, one of them will take pity on me.

I am, also, acclimating all of the survivors to the changing temperature here by opening the windows, just a bit, when I first get up in the morning. At that hour, it is, usually, about fifty eight degrees, getting up to the low seventies by mid afternoon. It does not stay that warm for long, however; not in our apartment that is. About four o’clock in the afternoon, or five, it starts to cool down. Works for me.

Liz is definitely with child, and has gone with Jesús, and Gabi, for her first ultrasound. She is quite a bit bigger than her three months would indicate, but we shall see when they get back. We are praying all is going well this time.

I keep telling Liz that I am going to make a batch of white bread, but I keep putting it off. I cannot say why, because I do not know myself. I think I will say that it is because we bought a bag full of beautiful small homemade buns from Costco the other day. They smell divine, and taste as fresh as if they had just come from the oven.

You may be interested to know that I got quite a bit of sleep last night. How, you ask? Ibuprofen 400 mg.; that is how. We broke down, and bought a box at Costco. Kripes. It was about the same price as a pair of trainers I posted awhile ago. (I just realized that we bought Advil, not Ibuprofen. They did not have the generic, or, maybe I just did not see it.)

Not quite. That was a bit of an exaggeration. They are gel caps, because that was all they had, 400mg., and cost $11 for 40 of the buggers. Last month, I bought two big mega containers of 200mg Ibuprofen tablets, from Amazon in the US, that went to my SIL’s house, and are, hopefully, on their way here. The Tylenol just does not stop the jumpy legs like Ibuprofen.

Ibuprofen, and ten minutes of my back stretching, seems to be the magic combo. That video, from Daily OM, has made all of the difference in my legs relaxing, or not. I have used it enough times that I have the workout, short and sweet, memorized. Therefore, I no longer need to take my iPad out to the living room with me. Or find, and use, my ear buds. Yay. At least I can remember something. 😉

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones. Please.