NOOM update

I am making slow, but steady progress.

My clothes are fitting a little less tightly than the past few months, and my back hurts ever so much less, as well. I want to show you some of the soups I am going to be making over the next few months. They are from the Kiwilimón app. I don’t know if you get it in the US, but it’s very popular here.

Quite a few of these use similar ingredients, but different chiles, and spices.

The other day I spent $50 on Justo, our grocery delivery app, and bought all kinds of veg for the soups I’m making this week, and next. The first 5 are as follows, but not necessarily in this order: Sopa de Nopales con Chile Guajillo, (cactus soup with Guajillo chiles), Sopa Azteca, Sopa de Tortilla, and Sopa de Col con Pollo, (cabbage soup with chicken).

Each of them has ingredients that I can use in 1, or more, of the other soups. Neat, huh? NOOM is teaching me to sit down, and spend what ever time is needed to plan out a menu, for the day, and, if I’m able for the week. I don’t have to stay glued to it, but use it as a guide. They are teaching me why I eat the way I do, and how to change it since it’s obviously not working. They say it nicer than that but that’s the gist of it.

They also have a list of the 3 different food groups that I can choose from, with the % of each group that is ideal for the day’s calorie consumption. I can eat any foods I want, I just have to log them, and see where I have calories left from which to choose. It’s really very simple. No foods are denied, but veg, and fruit are just about free to eat however much you want. The rest, you have to make decisions.

No problem; I can do, and am doing that. It gets easier every day. Once I get my fat arse outside, on the park path, or ride my bike, the weight should come off even easier. For now, I’ll keep eating the rainbow, with amazing fresh fruit, and veg. See you again soon.

Here’s the Justo haul. I’ll explain what you’re seeing. Let’s get started.

The haul.
In a bit more detail.

In the back left, you’ll recognize green grapes, then a liter of plain sugar free yogurt, with a Chobani sugar free vanilla flavored yogurt on top of it. Continuing to the right, avocado’s, and mango’s, (they’re yellow mango’s).

Back over to the left are, standing up, nopales, (cactus), an unripe papaya, small cactus, blueberries, mushrooms, (the rest of the kilo is in a bag off camera), carrots, and tomatoes. Not too shabby, huh?

All of the greens on the right are, from top to bottom, a stalk of celery, cilantro, epazote, spinach, (there are 6 more bundles of spinach in the white papers), in front of the spinach is a bunch of basil, and a cabbage.

Not in the photo are 4 boneless, skinless frozen chicken breasts that I put in the freezer. Normally I remove skin, and bones myself, but for less than 5¢ each, I let them do the work. 😉

Now, I have to go disinfect all of above before putting them into the fridge. They have to sit in a bowl of water, with the disinfectant, for 15 minutes, each group. Well worth it though, let me tell you. If not, you can expect diarrhea within a day. Here’s what was at the bottom of just 1 bowl after disinfecting. You probably won’t see this in the US. They come already clean.

This is what was in the bottom of just 1 handful of basil.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

You know you needed a laugh.