
This is the last app I’m going to try in order to help me lose weight, and get back to living.

Wish me luck.

For reference, as much as I hate to display this to you, I’m starting at 154.5 cm tall, and 86 kg weight. Ugh!!! I obviously will not be getting any taller, but hope to get down to 63-65 kg. Again, please give me just a bit of encouragement, now, and then. I’m a mental mutant.

I will keep posting my results, good, and/or bad, because I need to be held accountable to all of you. I am committing myself to the loss of 20+ kilos by the end of the year.

I will just have started when you read this, and have no idea how it will go but they promise to be really committed to helping me stay on track to accomplish my goals, and get back to living.

Quite a bit of this weight loss system is the psychology of eating, and why we eat what we do. As I am a fan of psychology, I am going to do my best to get back to eating, and, more importantly, exercising, especially walking, so I can get back the health I have given up with the incarceration due to CoVid restrictions.

We were sedate for so long that I can’t even walk around the park anymore without terrible low back pain. I walk around the grocery stores grunting, and groaning like an older woman. I’m close to 68 but feel 88. Not good. I want to feel 58 again.

Let’s get me started.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

4 thoughts on “Noom”

    1. Thanks. I need encouragement. It’s going to be good, but difficult. Thanks again. LYT. 💑

  1. Good luck, sister dear! I have the same issues with lack of movement for the last 3 years due to hip problems…. it’s getting better. Do you have a step counter on your phone? Using one can be helpful if it works. Looking forward to your reports! Love you 💖

    1. Thanks. Step tracking on phone and watch. No steps to count just yet. 🫣

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