No electricity

Not much to be done without electricity. We’re still in Los Altos, but back home when you read this.

There’s no internet; no internet, no programs; no programs, or movies, what’s a person supposed to do?

We went back to bed.

He went right back to sleep; me? I didn’t have the use of my CPAP, so I didn’t sleep. I snore too much, so, in being afraid of waking the whole house, I got up, and have been playing my word search games which only require online access to record the scores.

I am also able to listen to my audible books as they are all downloaded, and do not require the internet.

Lord knows I should take a walk, but that will have to wait until I’ve shed a few kilos over the next few days/weeks/months. I’ll get there, however, slowly, but surely.

Until that, and until the electricity is restored, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.