No changes- CV diary day 10

Short, not sweet.

Not much new to say except that I pray for anyone having gone through this, and everyone yet to come. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone.

Am still with a heavy chest, somewhat productive cough, but still no appetite, or senses of smell, or taste. I eat because I know I must in order to survive but it’s only a portion of baked potato, or an English muffin. No point in wasting tasty food when one has no sense of taste. Am I right?

I have used up 2 small bottles of cough syrup, one box/20 tablets of a Tylenol/Paracetamol combo, and have more coming. We haven’t had cold/flu meds. in our home in years. No I don’t ever want to be without them.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.