Next year

We are thinking we will not be in the condo before the beginning of the new year. Martín has started making our beds, though, so that is a plus.

Two, you may remember, will be Murphy beds, one twin, and, one queen. Our bed will be our beloved queen, raised about twenty inches off the floor.

When all is said, and, done, we will have plenty of space under our bed for storage of all of our beddings. And we have a ton of them. One thing I cannot abide, (I am speaking for our home, not yours), is sameness, lack of change. I enjoy changing bedding, pillows, and, with this new home, and furniture, even the cushions.

Christmas will be here soon, so we will have to wait until next year to decorate our place, but that is okay. Maybe we can get some after Christmas specials. We have no tree or ornaments, except those we just bought, so special sales will be welcome.

Let me know what you are doing this year, if it is anything different than the past, or is everything the same. I am waiting to hear back.