Next up will be


It looks as if the “mother” is ready to become a second ferment. And I know just the person to do it.

I have a “fresh” pineapple semi-frozen in the fridge, just waiting for me to get to making the fermentation. So, I guess I’ll get going.

Oh, gloryosky Zero! (My dad used to say that. Where it came from I have no recollection, but it always made me smile.) I cut up 4 yellow mangos tonight, (2 Ataulfo, and 2 Manila), that I can use as well.

There are 3 different kinds of mangos here: the Ataulfo, a beautiful yellow, which to us, has the perfect amount of sweetness to it; Manila, a pale yellow, not too sweet; and the Paraíso, the green turning to a beautiful red, that is most common in the US, which is nicely sweet. Fortunately for me, I am able to eat them down here.

I say that because, while in the States, I was unable to eat fruit with a pit without having an allergic reaction to them. Cherries, apricots, plums, avocados, peaches, nectarines- all off limits to me. I don’t know which came first, the fruit allergy, or the latex allergy. I believe, though, that it was actually in that order.

Though I would call it moderate, I remember having my first allergic reaction, in 1984, in Houston, TX. (Something not easily forgotten.) I was eating a small can of peaches on a break while working in the ED. It was fortunate that I was able to get back inside, and was treated for said reaction within minutes. Scary, but not the worst one, by far. More on that subject another time.

Not long after moving to Laredo, TX, in 1986, I discovered that when any part of a bra I was wearing would move from its original position, it would itch me like poison ivy. I ignored it for as long as I could, but, after moving back to the QC, in 1989, I couldn’t stand it any longer.

From then, unto this very day, I wear only undergarments that are cotton, with no visible, or touchable, elastic. It makes for a bit of researching to find these items, but when I find them, I buy them in quantity. I used to try to slip a regular bra in once in a while, only to have to give it away, or take it to the Salvation Army surplus. I just cannot wear latex against my skin.

As far as memory foam goes, we have a mattress cover that has memory foam, and a gel, but I try to put as much between it, and me so I can sleep, eventually. Someday, I am going to try sneaking the mattress cover off the bed, putting it on the guest bed, and see if YKW notices.

Back to the ‘buch. It is well approved on the NOOM way of life, so that is a plus. I can have at least two 8oz bottles daily. Yay. I really enjoy it. If you haven’t tried it, do. Not only does it taste great, it’s good for you. But, don’t let that stop you. They’re grossly expensive in the stores, but cost only pennies when you make it yourself.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.